Friday 16 November 2012

Christmas Fair

I love going to gift events, I love the getting ready and the setting up, chatting to people and seeing other stalls.

Today I am going to a Christmas Fair in Surrey, which is being organised by the very lovely Lisa from Out of Love.  It's going to be fun to meet her at last as I have been tweeting with her for ages.

I went to bed way too late to be up an hour and a half before the alarm, but I have found my bags that I had mislaid last night.

If you are in Milford, Surrey today then do pop into the Out of Love Christmas Fair and come and say hello!  

I have lots of lovely gifts and home wares, stocking fillers and treats, these colouring books are my most favourite colouring books!


I have been really tired recently, not dead on feet tired or happy to nap tired, just tired - physically, emotionally, punctually, mentally!  You know that sort of tired?!  Yes, well then you will know what I mean!

I bumped into a friend outside school and she asked how I was and I said "oh so tired" and left it at that, later on that morning I rang that friend and said "can I have a hypnotherapy appointment please?" to which she of course was happy to oblige.  It was all booked in and as the date approached so did an email confirming it and saying how she was looking forward to seeing me.  I so nearly cancelled.

Thankfully I didn't.

I sat in her chair and we chatted, about lots of things and she asked me why I was there.  To be honest I wasn't sure but I said "because I am tired of feeling tired, I am tired of feeling I have nothing left to give and I am tired of always saying yes I can help when really I can't" all said with a smile and not a trace of negativity. I think I was asking her to tell me that I will stop feeling tired, that I do have lots to give but not all the time and that it's OK to say no.

Maybe that's what happened.

I find hypnotherapy a strange one and I can't explain it but after my snooze I felt calmer than I had done in a while.  Clare asked me to sit down somewhere comfortable, which was a chair in my granny's house in Warwickshire, she said look over the garden which I did and somehow the ha-ha led down to the bottom of my granny's house in Bath, where I watched the lights go off in a tall building.

Who knows what happened to my little mind but in a way I feel I recharged my batteries with memories of happiness, safety and security.  My two grannies were the most amazing people in my life and I call them my inspirations.  Sadly they're not here today.  

Last Wednesday I felt that they were really with me and they were hugging me tight on their laps whilst stroking my hair all the while saying "shush now little child, don't bother yourself, sit here quietly and when you're ready get down off my lap".

Maybe that's what happened!  I think it's OK to feel like a child sometimes.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Some photos ....

I've been meaning to share a few photos and create a photo album for ages, now here are some!

A friend made this fire surround for us years ago and when we moved we took it with us.  I dug it out of the shed and painted it, when I stepped outside to see how it was drying I saw my daft dog sitting infront of it!  He has no idea what a fire surround does but he clearly associates it with being warm, happy and loved!


 I started taking some bits outside to show off what I was stocking!  As you can see I stock lots of gorgeous gifts and wonderful items for the home!

When I first started talking about returning to The Original Present Cupboard a friend suggested painted arrows.  

This is one of the first ones that I did, it's very basic and rushed but I love the simplicity of it! 

I have a batch of orders so will settle down and paint some up soon!

How can you not love this?  A cashmere hot water bottle, a woollen envelope and a star saying Yummy Mummy, of course you can have your star personalised.

A tidy desk?  Well, it's not overly cluttered and  you can see everything and it's all beautiful!

A view of the shop some time ago, the dresser stays in the same place but I tend to move things around!  Keeps me on my toes if nothing else!

Another arrow!  I followed my dreams and started up The Original Present Cupboard.  Before that I followed my heart, did I really want to leave my job and start up my business again?  I followed my heart.

Cushions, cushions, cushions.  A seat is not properly dressed without cushions!

A few of my favourite things!  Black labradors, green and lavender envelopes, seeds for ideas and gardens and storage!

I picked up some chairs and decided to paint them for the coffee shop, then I added some detail and now I am not sure I want to let them leave my house!

I just adore these beautiful notebooks, covered in material they are a best seller!

Covered Notebooks £7.50

There is nothing nicer than a handwritten letter and what better way to make it bright and beautiful than with a fabulous card!  Priced at £2 each and printed in GB they are fabulous!

I like nothing better than the shop being open and the sun shining.  A shop on the farm in the woods!  A find!

I hope you will come and see The Original Present Cupboard soon, we can be found at Wysipig, or for more photos and chat we are on Facebook and Twitter 


Thursday 8 November 2012

A quick hello ....

The happy dappy days of summer have gone and it's now very wintery feeling!  Good!  It means I can wrap up warm with a hot water bottle!!

It has been an age since I have blogged and there is good reason!  Oh my oh my it has been hectic and I have been really busy!  I have had to be extra structured and disciplined working from home and as everything is made by or comes from people I know really well or have got to know over the years I have to make sure I make time for proper chats and not just a quick call whilst stirring the pumpkin soup/walking the dog/sorting out homework etc.

As you know you can find The Original Present Cupboard on Facebook (The Original Present Cupboard), Twitter (@MrsOrigiPresent) and at Wysipig, a pig farm with a butcher and a cafe deep in the Coombes woods in Aborfield, Berkshire.  The website is on its way!

The shop is open 7 days a week Monday and Tuesday 930 to 4pm, Wednesday to Sunday 10am to 4pm or by arrangement.

On the second Saturday of the month Wysipig holds an Open Farm Day where you can see the pigs and goats, farm machinery and enjoy a hog roast.

This Saturday (10 November 2012, between 10am and 4pm) it's the Wysipig Farm Open Day, Taster & Order Day and The Original Present Cupboard Gift Event.  For more details have a look at the listing on Stallfinder 

On Saturday 17 November 2012 The Original Present Cupboard will be joining a whole host of lovely stallholders at the Out of Love Christmas Gift Fair

I am constantly adding to the shelves of  The Original Present Cupboard and will shortly be adding a photo album.  In the meantime wrap up warm and keep smiling!

Nell x